Armorial Displays
- Unregistered Badges of the Eastern Baronage
- Armorial Banners for House Runnymede
- Making a Sheet Wall Panel for East Kingdom Royal at Pennsic
- Machine-Printed “Silk Banners”
- Kingdom Sumptuary Laws for Heraldic Achievements
- Branch Arms on the East Kingdom Pennsic Sheetwalls
- Heraldic Love in the Seahorse
- Armorial of the Viceregents of the Crown Province
- The Season of #HeraldicLove
- Why You Can't Register Marshalled Armory
- A Modern British Princely Achievement
- A Pair of Hearts Pierced
- Armorial Catalog for Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin
- Armorial Displays from the Album Amicorum of Jean le Clercq
- Achievements with Heraldic Tabards from "Irish Nobility E1"
- An Overview of Historical Armory Practices in England
- Armorial Achievement for Alaxandair Mórda
- Charges Which Can Appear To Be An Armorial Display in a Fieldless Badge
- Populace Badges
- Heraldic Alternatives for the Ranged Weapons Peerage
- Badges for the Champions of Østgarðr
- Heraldic Registration Basics Redux
- On the Heraldic Submissions for the Ranged Weapons Peerage
- All of the Field Only Armory
- Identifying Charge Groups Revisited
- Ordinaries, Divisions, and Arrangements Revisited
- A Concordance of Heraldic Terminology
- On Contrast for Furs and Proper
- Populace Badge of Northpass
- Descriptions for Field Division Directions
- Why You Can't Register Marshalled Armory
- Brainstorming Armorial Designs From Period Sources
- Inkscape for Armorial Heralds
- A Revised Armory Conflict-Checking Checklist
- The Refrigerator Test
- Stodart's Survey of Scottish Arms
- Armory Submissions from Virtual Heralds Point
- An Introduction to the Tinctures
- A Badge for Heraldic Artists
- A Technique For Internal Detailing On Sable Clip-Art Charges
- Hexcodes for Heraldic Tinctures
- Conflict Checking Multiply-Divided Field-Only Armory
- An Updated Catalog of IAP Submissions
- Achievements with Heraldic Tabards from "Irish Nobility E1"
- An Overview of Historical Armory Practices in England
- Armorial Achievement for Alaxandair Mórda
- An Introduction to the Pictorial Dictionary & the SCA Heraldry Wiki
- Rules on the Appearance of Armorial Displays Within Armory
- Precedent Review: May Flags and Sails Be Divided or Charged?
- Precedent Review: Can Lozenges, Roundels, and Delfs be Escutcheons of Pretense?
- Precedent Review: Can Plain Lozenges and Roundels Be Used as Fieldless Badges?
- Charges Which Can Appear To Be An Armorial Display in a Fieldless Badge
- Downloading the Stemmario Trivulziano
- Downloading the Arlberg "Viennese Manuscript"
- A [Revised] Grammar of Blazonry
- Identifying Charge Groups
- April First Submissions
- Downloading the Livro do Armeiro-Mor
- #HeraldicLove 2020
- A Catalogue Of Period Devices
- Downloading the Wappenbuch der Arlberg-Bruderschaft
- The Mystery of the Maunch Maltale
- Name and Device for Engel der Pfau
- Family Per-Pale Badges
- Bärenschnitt Badge
- Name and Device for Hrotger the Tervingi
- Name and Device for Arthur von Eschenbach
- An OSCAR Commentary Checklist
- The Last Super-Simple Field-Only Armory
- Family Animal Badges
- An Armory Conflict-Checking Checklist
- Complex Lines Quick Reference
- "What Is a Coat of Arms and What Was It For?"
- Artistic Variation in Heraldic Art
- Name and Device for Bahja al-Azraq
- Name and Device for Anne of Østgarðr
- Name and Device for Catelin Straquhin
- "How Do I Get a Coat of Arms?"
- Common and Uncommon Armorial Elements
- Armory Conflict-Checking Resources
- OSCAR Color Gamuts
- Heraldic Tincture Hexcodes
- Ordinaries and Divisions and Arrangements, Oh My!
- Heraldic Templates
- A Glossary of Heraldic Terms
- Name and Device for Seònaid inghean mhic Aoidh
- The Submission Escutcheon
- On Using Your Mundane Armory
- Name and Arms for Josef von Ulm
- Registration Basics Class Notes
- Name and Arms for Badr al-Abyārī
- Every Distinct Tincture, Fur, and Field Treatment
- Examples of Individually Attested Pattern Registrations
- Names and Arms for Sara and Giuseppe Sala di Paruta
- Name and Arms for Lady Angelica di Nova Lipa
- Intellectual Property Rights In Branch Armory
- Copying Heraldic Art from OSCAR
- Badge for Lady Beatrice della Rocca
- Name and Device for Alaxandair Mórda mac Matha
- Device for Christophe de Frisselle
- Arms and Badge for Lady Sofya Gianetta di Trieste
- Arms for Lady Magdelena Caminante
- My Name and Device
- Two Articles by Lothar von Katzenellenbogen
- Device and Name for Zoya the Orphan
- Youth Combat Badges
- Tilting At "Arabian" Lamps
- Armory of the Populace of the Canton of Whyt Whey
- Extraordinary Recognition
- An Updated Order and Awards Chart
- Provincial Awards Missing From the Kingdom Order of Precedence
- The Order of the Sea Dog
- The Award of the Sea Star
- The Østgarðrian Ladies' Favor
- The Order of The Silver Sea-Lion
- The Order Of The Silver Lantern
- Orders and Awards of Østgarđr and the East Kingdom
- Heraldic Registrations of the Orders and Awards of Østgarðr
- Historical Timing of East Kingdom Coronation
- Anno Societatis Conversions
- Kingdom Crown Calendar Comparison
- Charting the East's Crown Cycle
- Geographic Divisions of the SCA
- A Modern Map of the SCA's Known World
- Mapping the Changing Cantons
- A Parochial New Yorker's Map of the Current Middle Ages
- An Updated Map of Østgarðr
- A Geographic History Of The East Kingdom
- The Lost Cantons of Østgarðr
- A Map of Østgarðr
- Proposed Session for vKWHSS: “Heraldic IT Systems”
- Heraldic Registration Basics Redux
- Inkscape for Armorial Heralds
- Running an OSCAR Commentary Training Session Online
- Book Heraldry Symposium in Lion’s End
- Registration Basics Class Notes
COA Websites
- Additional Updates to the CoA Website
- Google Searches for the CoA Website
- Imagining a New Look for OSCAR
- First Round of Updates to the CoA Website
- Prototyping a New Look for the O&A
- Enhanced Readability for the CoA Website
- Proposed Navigation Changes for the CoA Website
- Thoughts on Updating the CoA Website
- A Sketch of Possible Changes for the CoA Website
- Populace Badge of Northpass
- Brainstorming Armorial Designs From Period Sources
- The Refrigerator Test
- Armory Submissions from Virtual Heralds Point
- Name and Device for Engel der Pfau
- Name and Device for Hrotger the Tervingi
- Name and Device for Arthur von Eschenbach
- Name for Sydoc nicTalmach
- Name and Device for Bahja al-Azraq
- Name and Device for Anne of Østgarðr
- Name and Device for Catelin Straquhin
- Name for Gibbs Moryss
- Name and Device for Seònaid inghean mhic Aoidh
- Name and Arms for Josef von Ulm
- Name and Arms for Badr al-Abyārī
- Names and Arms for Sara and Giuseppe Sala di Paruta
- Name and Arms for Lady Angelica di Nova Lipa
- Badge for Lady Beatrice della Rocca
- Name and Device for Alaxandair Mórda mac Matha
- Device for Christophe de Frisselle
- Arms and Badge for Lady Sofya Gianetta di Trieste
- Arms for Lady Magdelena Caminante
- Device and Populace Badge for the Canton of Whyt Whey
- Device and Name for Zoya the Orphan
- Emblazon for Clae Odea
Court Reports
- Provincial Court Report from Lions Learn Lessons
- Report from Provincial Court at Bear's Tavern
- Awards from Pennsic Provincial Court
- Court Report, Barleycorn
- Court Report, Blood and Axes
- Court Report for Lions Awaken
- Court Report, Deck The Halls of Valhalla
- Court Report, Whyt Whey Schola In The Solar
- Court Report, Picnic in the Ruins
Design Tools
- Inkscape for Armorial Heralds
- Tracing Heraldic Art in Clip Studio
- A Technique For Internal Detailing On Sable Clip-Art Charges
- Hexcodes for Heraldic Tinctures
- A Survey Of Online Armorial Clip Art Sources
- A Survey of Digital Tools for Armory Illustration
- Using DrawShield for Emblazons
- Using GIMP for Emblazons
- OSCAR Color Gamuts
- Heraldic Tincture Hexcodes
- The Submission Escutcheon
- A Digital Armory Toolbox
Downloadable Armorials
- Downloading Armorials from the Österreichische Nationalbibliothek
- Facsimile of an Ancient Heraldic Manuscript (1878)
- Downloading “Scottish Nobility E2”
- Downloading "Irish Nobility E1"
- Downloading Powell's Roll
- Downloading the Stemmario Trivulziano
- Downloading the Arlberg "Viennese Manuscript"
- Downloading the Livro do Armeiro-Mor
- Downloading the Wappenbuch der Arlberg-Bruderschaft
- Downloading The Gelre Armorial
East Kingdom
- Unregistered Badges of the Eastern Baronage
- Armorial Banners for House Runnymede
- Historical Timing of East Kingdom Coronation
- Making a Sheet Wall Panel for East Kingdom Royal at Pennsic
- Charting the East's Crown Cycle
- Team Blue Square
- Populace Pride
- How the East Kingdom got its Blue Tyger
- [People's Democratic Republic of the East, Returned, Apr 1996 LoAR]
- What Does the Brigantia Herald Do?
- What Does the Eastern Crown Herald Do?
- The Role of a Branch Herald
- Identifying Charge Groups Revisited
- Ordinaries, Divisions, and Arrangements Revisited
- Brainstorming Armorial Designs From Period Sources
- A Revised Armory Conflict-Checking Checklist
- The Refrigerator Test
- An Introduction to the Tinctures
- A [Revised] Grammar of Blazonry
- Identifying Charge Groups
- The Role of a Branch Herald
- An OSCAR Commentary Checklist
- An Armory Conflict-Checking Checklist
- Complex Lines Quick Reference
- Artistic Variation in Heraldic Art
- Armory Conflict-Checking Resources
- Ordinaries and Divisions and Arrangements, Oh My!
- The Submission Escutcheon
- Registration Basics Class Notes
- Every Distinct Tincture, Fur, and Field Treatment
Heraldic Policy
- Two Routes to Ancient Names and Arms
- An Ancient Branch Name
- Who Owns the Copyright to the LoARs?
- Why You Can't Register Marshalled Armory
- A Revised Armory Conflict-Checking Checklist
- A Badge for Heraldic Artists
- An Updated Catalog of IAP Submissions
- Heraldic Authority In the Earliest Bylaws of the SCA
- An Overview of Historical Armory Practices in England
- What Does the Brigantia Herald Do?
- What Does the Eastern Crown Herald Do?
- Rules on the Appearance of Armorial Displays Within Armory
- Precedent Review: May Flags and Sails Be Divided or Charged?
- Precedent Review: Can Lozenges, Roundels, and Delfs be Escutcheons of Pretense?
- Precedent Review: Can Plain Lozenges and Roundels Be Used as Fieldless Badges?
- Charges Which Can Appear To Be An Armorial Display in a Fieldless Badge
- The Role of a Branch Herald
- Frequency of Branch Designators
- An OSCAR Commentary Checklist
- An Armory Conflict-Checking Checklist
- Artistic Variation in Heraldic Art
- What Does Morsulus Herald Do?
- "How Do I Get a Coat of Arms?"
- Armory Conflict-Checking Resources
- An Overview of the Heraldic Submission Process
- The Submission Escutcheon
- On Using Your Mundane Armory
- Examples of Individually Attested Pattern Registrations
- Intellectual Property Rights In Branch Armory
- Copying Heraldic Art from OSCAR
History of the O&A
- A Timeline of the SCA Armorial Database
- A Techie's Guide to the Ordinary & Armorial
- Memories of Hal Ravn, Former Morsulus Herald
- Memories of Iathus of Scara, Former Morsulus Herald
- The Lineage of Morsulus Heralds
- An SCA Ordinary from AS XXXIV
- Memories of Iulstan Sigwealding, Former Morsulus Herald
- A History Of The Digital O&A From LoAR Cover Letters
- What Does Morsulus Herald Do?
- [People's Democratic Republic of the East, Returned, Apr 1996 LoAR]
- April First Letters of Misintent
- April First Submissions
Inter-Kingdom Anthropology
Medieval History
O&A Database
- Publishing the LoARs to the Web
- Running the O&A via Docker
- Prototyping a New Look for the O&A
- O&A Search for Unregistered OSCAR Submissions
- A Techie's Guide to the Ordinary & Armorial
- Descriptions for Field Division Directions
- A Roadmap to Morsulus's Monthly Updates
- A Roadmap to the World of Morsulus
- Updating the O-and-A Category Files
- Building the O-and-A Search from Source
- Unusual Weights for the O&A Complex Search
- Updating the O-and-A Database
- Installing the O-and-A Search on Your Web Site
- What Does Morsulus Herald Do?
- A SQL Interface for the SCA Armorial
- Interfaces to the Armorial Database
- Heraldic Registration Basics Redux
- On the Heraldic Submissions for the Ranged Weapons Peerage
- Geographic and Linguistic Indexes of DMNES
- The Crown Province's Shibbøleðr
- Name Change for Appleholm & Whyt Whey
- April First Submissions
- Name and Device for Engel der Pfau
- Name and Device for Hrotger the Tervingi
- Name and Device for Arthur von Eschenbach
- Frequency of Last Names
- Frequency of First Names
- Frequency of Branch Designators
- An OSCAR Commentary Checklist
- Name for Sydoc nicTalmach
- Name and Device for Bahja al-Azraq
- Name and Device for Anne of Østgarðr
- Name and Device for Catelin Straquhin
- Name for Gibbs Moryss
- Name and Device for Seònaid inghean mhic Aoidh
- Name and Arms for Josef von Ulm
- Registration Basics Class Notes
- Name and Arms for Badr al-Abyārī
- Names and Arms for Sara and Giuseppe Sala di Paruta
- Name and Arms for Lady Angelica di Nova Lipa
- Name and Device for Alaxandair Mórda mac Matha
- My Name and Device
- Device and Name for Zoya the Orphan
- Morsulus Herald Application Letter
- Gadfly Herald Extraordinary
- Heading to KWHSS
- Personal Heraldic Title
- Extraordinary Recognition
- Seeking A Technical Collaborator or Successor for the Traceable Heraldic Art
- Five Years Before The Mast
- Armorial Catalog for Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin
- Family Per-Pale Badges
- Family Animal Badges
- Appointment as Seahorse Pursuivant
- My Name and Device
- Greetings to the known world!
Society History
- Historical Trends in Extraordinary Titles
- A Phylogeny of the Laurel Kingdoms
- Branch Arms on the East Kingdom Pennsic Sheetwalls
- Armorial of the Viceregents of the Crown Province
- Seeking Proofreaders for Old LoARs
- Who Owns the Copyright to the LoARs?
- Why You Can't Register Marshalled Armory
- How the East Kingdom got its Blue Tyger
- An Unsubmitted Badge for the "Vicar-General" of Østgarðr
- Memories of Hal Ravn, Former Morsulus Herald
- The Strange Case of the Codex Herald Advocate
- Memories of Iathus of Scara, Former Morsulus Herald
- Heraldic Authority In the Earliest Bylaws of the SCA
- The Lineage of Morsulus Heralds
- An SCA Ordinary from AS XXXIV
- Memories of Iulstan Sigwealding, Former Morsulus Herald
- A Brief History of Free Trumpet Press
- A History Of The Digital O&A From LoAR Cover Letters
- An Early Roll of Arms of the Canton of Whyt Whey
- Heraldic Templates
- The Østgarðrian Ladies' Favor
- A Geographic History Of The East Kingdom
Traceable Art
- Traceable Art at the Coming of the Frost
- Traceable Art Summer Update
- Corrections Wanted!
- Thanks to All of the Traceable Artists
- Third Quarter Update
- A Winter's Worth of Traceable Art
- Traceable Art Autumnal Wrapup
- Traceable Art for Pennsic 49
- Traceable Art Visitor Analytics
- Traceable Art at Year's End
- Autumn Art Updates
- JSON Data for the Traceable Art
- Traceable Art at Summer's End
- A Database Schema for the Traceable Art
- Seeking A Technical Collaborator or Successor for the Traceable Heraldic Art
- An Idiosyncratic System for Publishing the Traceable Heraldic Art
- Traceable Additions for May
- April Additions to the Traceable Art
- New Clip Art Files Posted Without Gray Fills
- Addressing Gray Fills and Uneven Line Weights
- Traceable Art for February
- A Technique For Internal Detailing On Sable Clip-Art Charges
- Traceable Art for December
- Traceable Art for November
- September's New Traceable Art
- August Additions to the Traceable Art
- DMCA Takedown Notices
- Traceable Art for June and July
- May Additions to Traceable Art
- Traceable Art Acknowledgements
- Traceable Art Quarantine Update
- Using DrawShield for Emblazons
- Using GIMP for Emblazons
- #HeraldicLove 2020
- Traceable Art Winter Update
- New Fall Illustrations
- Traceable Art at Pennsic XLVIII
- April's Traceable Art
- Another Round of Traceable Art
- Recent Art Additions
- Traceable Art at Pennsic XLVII
- Heraldic Templates
- New Traceable Images
- Traceable Art Fall Update
- Traceable Art at Pennsic
- Traceable Art Update For April
- More (and Less!) Traceable Art
- More Traceable Art
- Traceable Art Update
- A Traceable Resource for Armory Illustration
- Tracing Heraldic Art in Clip Studio
- An Introduction to the Pictorial Dictionary & the SCA Heraldry Wiki
- Using GIMP for Emblazons
- "What Is a Coat of Arms and What Was It For?"
- "How Do I Get a Coat of Arms?"
Web Tools
- Proposed Session for vKWHSS: “Heraldic IT Systems”
- Geographic and Linguistic Indexes of DMNES
- Notes from the Heraldic Technology Roundtable
- Agenda for the Heraldic Technology Roundtable
- KWHSS Panel Proposal: Software Roundtable
- O&A Search for Unregistered OSCAR Submissions
- A Concordance of Heraldic Terminology
- A Techie's Guide to the Ordinary & Armorial
- Descriptions for Field Division Directions
- JSON Data for the Traceable Art
- Seeking A Technical Collaborator or Successor for the Traceable Heraldic Art
- An Idiosyncratic System for Publishing the Traceable Heraldic Art
- On Belling the Cat
- Conflict Checking Multiply-Divided Field-Only Armory
- A Survey Of Online Armorial Clip Art Sources
- A Survey of Digital Tools for Armory Illustration
- Building the O-and-A Search from Source
- Unusual Weights for the O&A Complex Search
- An Introduction to the Pictorial Dictionary & the SCA Heraldry Wiki
- Updating the O-and-A Database
- Installing the O-and-A Search on Your Web Site
- Downloading the Stemmario Trivulziano
- Downloading the Arlberg "Viennese Manuscript"
- Using DrawShield for Emblazons
- Downloading the Wappenbuch der Arlberg-Bruderschaft
- Downloading The Gelre Armorial
- What Does Morsulus Herald Do?
- A SQL Interface for the SCA Armorial
- Interfaces to the Armorial Database
- OSCAR Color Gamuts
- Heraldic Search Shortcuts
- Badges for the Champions of Østgarðr
- An Ancient Branch Name
- Branch Arms on the East Kingdom Pennsic Sheetwalls
- Populace Pride
- Populace Badge of Northpass
- The Crown Province's Shibbøleðr
- Heraldic Love in the Seahorse
- Armorial of the Viceregents of the Crown Province
- Name Change for Appleholm & Whyt Whey
- A Parochial New Yorker's Map of the Current Middle Ages
- An Unsubmitted Badge for the "Vicar-General" of Østgarðr
- Frequency of Branch Designators
- Provincial Awards Missing From the Kingdom Order of Precedence
- An Early Roll of Arms of the Canton of Whyt Whey
- Book Heraldry Symposium in Lion’s End
- Court Report, Barleycorn
- A Proposed Design for Viceregal Coronets
- Court Report, Blood and Axes
- Court Report, Deck The Halls of Valhalla
- Appointment as Seahorse Pursuivant
- The Arms of The Viceroys and Vicereines of Østgarðr
- The Order of the Sea Dog
- The Award of the Sea Star
- Court Report, Whyt Whey Schola In The Solar
- The Østgarðrian Ladies' Favor
- The Order of The Silver Sea-Lion
- The Order Of The Silver Lantern
- Orders and Awards of Østgarđr and the East Kingdom
- Heraldic Registrations of the Canton of Brokenbridge
- Heraldic Registrations of the Canton of Lions End
- Court Report, Picnic in the Ruins
- The Lost Cantons of Østgarðr
- Heraldic Registrations of the Canton of Northpass
- A Badge for the Outer Burroughs of Østgarðr?
- A Map of Østgarðr
- Heraldic Registrations of the Canton of Whyt Whey
- Device and Populace Badge for the Canton of Whyt Whey
- Released and Returned Sea-horses of Østgarðr
- Heraldic Registrations of the Orders and Awards of Østgarðr
- Heraldic Sea-horses of Østgarðr
- Armory of the Populace of the Canton of Whyt Whey