Court Report for Lions Awaken

On the twenty first day of April AS 52, Østgarđr’s provincial arts and sciences and bardic championships were contested at the Lions Awaken schola in the Canton of Lions End.

Following the completion of the day’s activities, and with suitable pageantry, therein was opened the court of Suuder Saran and Lada Monguligin, Viceroy and Vicereine of the Eastern Ulus of Østgarđr, heralded by Jenna Childslayer with assistance from Donnchadh mac Eóin.

Their excellencies first called for all newcomers to the province to step forward, being those for whom this was their first, second, or third event, and greeted them with tokens of wax, asking them to return again in the future, and all present did cheer for the future of the province.

Next Lord Severus and Lady Keira of House Three Skulls presented their excellencies with a gift, which was gratefully received.

Their excellencies then thanked all those whose service had made the day’s event possible, granting them each the award of the Sea Star.

The court’s herald made an announcement of the dates of upcoming activities so that all interested could attend.

Their excellencies then called forth their new champion of arts and sciences selected that day, Lord Ibrahim ibn Musa bin Sulayman al-Rashid, whose nalbinding had much impressed the judges. Outgoing champion Lady Beatrice della Rocca congratulated him, presenting him with a scroll by her own hand, and delivered the regalia of his new position. Their excellencies thanked Lady Beatrice with a gift for her service as their champion over the last year.

Next Lilie Dubh inghean ui Mordha and Mistress Sofya Gianetta di Trieste were called forward to speak of the Decameron event they were preparing for the coming year.

Their excellencies’ outgoing Bardic Champion Jenna Childslayer did then call forward the entrants in the day’s bardic contest, Lord Ervald the Optimistic and Nico, Count of the Holy Kingdom of Acre. She thanked them for their efforts with tokens of hand-bound books she had made bearing the province’s badge, and then announced that the populace had been unable to choose a winner, granting them a tie in votes, and presented them both with brass rings for their artistry. At last, Lord Ervald was declared the the new champion based on the judges’ review of his pantomime performance, receiving the regalia of his new office including a seahorse ocarina, and a scroll with words by Lady Jenna, inscribed and illuminated by Lady Beatrice. In closing their excellencies thanked thanked Lady Jenna and granted her a gift for her service as their outgoing champion.

Then Lady Anneke Walmarsdotter was invited into the court and their excellencies spoke of her artistry and their wish to recognize her accomplishments and her service. They did call forth their Order of the Silver Lantern and made her a companion of the same, with all of the rights, privileges, and regards therein due.

Lady Arnbiorg Helga Niálsdóttir and Lords Conor O’Ceallaigh, Friedrich Grimme, and Mongu Chinua did next enter the court and called forward Lady Ellen Hughes to present her with the badge of an archery marshal in recognition of her station.

Their excellencies did summon Baroné Francesco Gaetano Greco d’Edessa and induct him into the order of the Sea Dog, recognizing him for his years of service to the Canton of Lions End.

Finally their excellencies recognized the day’s event stewards, Lord Duggmore Dougles and Lady Abigaill Bakere, thanking them for organizing a successful and pleasant event.

There being no other business before their excellencies, their court was then closed with the approbation of the populace there assembled.

Such were the events of the day as they were told to me, their excellencies’ provincial herald, Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin.

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