September’s New Traceable Art

Over the last three weeks, 77 new illustrations of charges have been added to the Traceable Heraldic Art collection.

I’m pleased to welcome newcomers Thora BrandsdottirElionora inghen Ui Cheallaigh, and Lily Morgaine, who each sent in illustrations for the first time. Thanks also Jessimond of Emerickeskepe for her continuing contributions of original art, and to Vémundr Syvursson for converting a handful of beasts from the Zurich Roll to vector format.

There are also a handful of new pages in the Mantling, Helms & Crests appendix; this section is still quite sparse, but I hope to expand it further in the coming months to facilitate the creation of impressive-looking achievement displays. If you’d like to contribute to this effort, I’m looking both for line-art tracings of period elements and for original illustrations.

New headings in this month’s round include the zephyr, gourd, llama, salt barrel, bathtub, and golf club. There are some great uncommon and not-yet-registered charges here waiting for an adventurous submitter!

The new illustrations are listed below, with a label for new headings and a number for multiple illustrations.

  • Ordinaries: Bend (4), Chevron, Chief
  • Shapes & Symbols: Cavendish Knot, Celtic Cross, Cross Of Four Ermine Spots, Heart, Mullet, Quatrefoil Knot
  • The World & Heavens: Mount (2), Sun In His Splendor, Zephyr Wind (new)
  • Plants: Bottle Gourd (new), Cinquefoil, Demi-Fleur de Lys (new), Pomegranate (2)
  • Reptiles: Dragon’s Head Cabossed (3)
  • Birds: Eagle, Hawk
  • Beasts: Boar, Continental Panther, Elephant, Griffin, Llama (new, 2), Racoon (2), Squirrel, Stag’s Attire in Annulo (2), Stag’s Head, Unicorn
  • People: Ass With A Jester’s Head, Skull
  • Food: Double Cup, Frying Pan, Salt Barrel (new, 3)
  • Clothes and Fabric: Bycocket, Crown Vallary (new), Ducal Crown, Hand Mirror, Maunch, Pair of Scissors
  • Tools: Armorer’s Anvil (new), Saw Blade (new)
  • Buildings: Andiron, Bathtub (new), Castle (2), Chair, Natural Fountain (2), Pavilion, Table, Tower
  • Arts and Sciences: Escroll (2), Golf Club (new), Quill Pen
  • Farming: Millstone, Pruning Hook (new), Pruning Knife
  • Ships & Fishing: Sail
  • Assorted Objects: Cog-Wheel, Firebrand, Torch, Wheel

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