The sheetwalls surrounding the East Kingdom royal encampment at Pennsic are donated by local branches, and decorated with their arms.

This lovely display of the provincial arms is reported to have been created by Lord Renier VerPlanck (sometimes written Reijnier Verplanck), and is likely about fifteen years old.

The Lions End and Brokenbridge sheetwalls were created in 2012 in a group effort led by Laureate Ibrahim al-Rashid, who provided the fabric and called on volunteers from each canton to attend a painting session.
(Apparently nobody from Northpass showed up, and although the fabric was passed on to canton members, there’s no record that it was ever completed.)
Note that the Lions End arms are erroneously shown with green laurel wreaths rather than sable, due to a transcription error made thirty years ago that wasn’t corrected until I reported the problem in 2017.
These two panels have been brought back to the city for cleaning and touch-ups before being returned to Pennsic next year.
A sheetwall section for Whyt Whey was completed at the same time as the other two, but was then replaced in the summer of 2018 after the canton changed its arms, in a group effort led by Alienor Salton; that recency explains why this fabric is brighter than the others.
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