Another Round of Traceable Art

Over the last month I’ve added another 135 illustrations to the Book of Traceable Heraldic Art.

As with last month, these are drawn from a variety of sources, including some more beasts from Torric inn Björn, some tools and objects from Gustav Völker, and a couple of funky lions from Thomas Wriothesley.

Below is a summary of the new entries; each includes a single illustration unless a number is provided in parentheses, and represents a new heading unless marked as an addition.

  • Ordinaries: 2 Bars Wavy (1 additional); 3 Bars Wavy; Base Wavy Barry Wavy; Bend Indented (1 additional); Bordure Denticulada (1 additional); Bordure Dovetailed; Chief Indented; Fess Indented; Fess Wavy (1 additional); Pale Indented; Pallium; Saltire Engrailed
  • Shapes & Symbols: Chi-Rho; Cross Of Toulouse (1 additional); Fleur de Lys (1 additional); Suffolk Knot; Label of 5 Points Throughout (1 additional)
  • Plants: Broom Sprig Fructed; Carrot (1 additional); Fig Sprig Fructed; Garlic Bulb (1 additional); Hemp Leaf; Laurel Wreath (2 additional); Mandrake; Female Mandrake; Oak Tree Fructed and Eradicated (1 additional); Onion; Raddish (2 additional); Rose (2 additional); Tree (1 additional)
  • Invertebrates: Stag Beetle Statant (1 additional)
  • Fishes: Crayfish; Dolphin (1 additional); Lucy (1 additional); Sea-Lion (1 additional)
  • Reptiles: Dragon (1 additional); Dragon Passant (1 additional); Dragon Statant (2 additional); Pithon Volant (2 additional); Serpent Glissant (1 additional); Two Serpents Entwined; Wyvern Sejant Tail Nowed
  • Birds: Falcon Jessed (1 additional); Falcon Hooded and Jessed; Feather (1 additional); Martlet (1 additional); Pelican Vulning Itself (1 additional)
  • Beasts: Alphyn Rampant; Antelope Salient; Antelope’s Head Cabossed; Antelope’s Head Erased; Bear Couchant Head Lowered; Bear Rampant (1 additional); Bear Sejant Affronty; Bear Statant Affronty; Bear’s Head Erased and Muzzled (1 additional); Beaver Rampant (2 additional); Boar Passant (1 additional); Boar Rampant (2 additional); Boar Sejant; Bog Beast; Pair of Buffalo’s Horns; Bull’s Massacre; Camel Couchant; Camelopard Passant; Chameleon; Cat, Domestic, Couchant Head Lowered; Dog Passant Guardant; Dog Rampant (1 additional); Dog Rampant Collared; Goat Salient (1 additional); Griffin (1 additional); Lamb Passant; Lamb Passant Regardant; Lamb, Paschal, Regardant; Lion Queue Fourchy (1 additional); Lion Passant (2 additional); Lion, Winged, Passant Regardant; Lion’s Head Erased (1 additional); Mouse Statant (1 additional); Pegasus Segreant (1 additional); Ram’s Head Couped; Rhinoceros; Squirrel Maintaining A Nut; Stag Courant; Stag Rampant Collared and Chained; Stag’s Attire (1 additional); Stag’s Attire In Annulo; Stoat Passant (1 additional); Unicorn Passant (1 additional); Unicorn, Winged; Wildcat’s Head Cabossed; Wolf’s Head Erased (1 additional); Yale Rampant (1 additional)
  • People: Arm Vested Fesswise With A Hand Of Benediction; Arm Fesswise Maintaining A Club; Ass With A Jester’s Head Passant; Centaur Passant (1 additional); Centaur Sejant Brushing Her Hair; Centaur Sejant Drawing A Bow; Sole Of A Foot; Maiden’s Head Couped and Hooded Facing Dexter; Man Robed; Man Vested and Maintaining a Scythe; Melusine (1 additional); Mermaid (1 additional); Merman, or Triton (1 additional); Monk Robed and Maintaining a Book; Moor Passant; Saracen’s Head Affronty Erased Maintaining a Torse (1 additional); Seraph (1 additional); Viking With Arms Raised
  • Objects: Andirons, Pair of Dog-Headed; Barnacles, Pair of (1 additional); Barrel (1 additional); Bridge, Twin-Towered, Of A Single Arch; Bridge, Triple-Towered, Of Two Arches; Bucket with Handle (1 additional); Buckle (1 additional); Cloth Hung Over A Rod; Column (1 additional); Comb; Compass, Drawing; Cornucopia Effluent (1 additional); Crown; Harp (1 additional); Key (1 additional); Mill; Pipe, Tabacco, Enflamed; Rods, Bundle of; Sail; Spade (1 additional); Tower (1 additional); Open Well (2 additional); Wheel of Fortune

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