Traceable Art Autumnal Wrapup

With the cold weather setting in, I thought the time was right for another periodic summary of updates to the Traceable Heraldic Art collection. Since this summer’s announcement, more than two hundred additional images have been added, bringing the total to over 5,500 charges, fields, and assorted accessories.

This project would not be possible without the many contributors who’ve shared their illustrations with the community. Of particular note is Volusia Zoe, who provided more than fifty lovely new images, including many beasts’ legs, claws, and tails that may be used both as independent charges and to assemble hybrid heraldic monsters. I would also like to thank returning artists Jessimond of Emerickeskepe, Vémundr Syvursson, and Li Xia, as well as first-time conributor Nest verch Gwilim.

Another tranche of sixty images was drawn from WappenWiki, a wonderful site full of very-well drawn armorial imagery with a very consistent and sophisticated style, all released under a Creative Commons license. My sincere thanks to site editor Joakim Spuller for making this material available under terms that facilitate its use by the historical recreation community, and I look forward to incorporating additional images in the coming year.

As always, this update also includes new charges pulled from various historical sources, including the Japanese Kenmon Shokamon, Italian Stemmario Trivulziano, and German BnF MS Allemand 304.

Additions since the last announcement are listed below, with parenthetical labels for new entries or multiple related illustrations.

  • Fields: Ermine, Papellony (2), Plumetty, Vair, Vair En Point, Kürsch (new)
  • Divisions: Per Chevron Indented, Per Chevron Indented Fleury at the Upper Points (new), Barry Wavy (3), Bendy Enarched (new), Bendy Wavy, Paly Wavy
  • Ordinaries: Bars Engrailed (new), Bars Wavy (3), Base Engrailed (new), Base Engrailed Barry Engrailed (new), Bendlets Engrailed (2, new), Bordure Vair (new), Chevronels Embattled (new), Cross Engrailed, Fess Cotised to Chief (new), Fess Embattled Counter-embattled, Fess Wavy, Orle Vair (new), Pale Engrailed, Pale Wavy, Pallets Engrailed (new), Pallets Wavy (new)
  • Shapes & Symbols: Cross Clechy, Cross Clechy Voided (new), Cross Moline, Cross Of Toulouse, Escarbuncle, Fret, Heart (2), Label of 3 Points Throughout
  • The World & Heavens: Crescent, Gurges, Stream Bendwise Throughout (new), Sun, Sun In His Splendor, Trimount
  • Plants: Apple (2), Bamboo Stalk (3), Eidelweiss Flower (new), Fleur de Lys, Gentian Plant (new), Linden Tree, Mushroom, Oak Tree (6), Pear (3), Rose (2), Chaplet of Roses (3), Staff, Ragged, Thorn Tree (new), Tree Eradicated, Wreath (new)
  • Invertebrates: Butterfly Statant (new), Cicada
  • Fishes: Dolphin Haurient, Escallop, Sea-Dog’s Leg (2, new), Sea-Horse’s Body (new), Sea-Monster’s Tail (5)
  • Reptiles: Amphisbaena (new), Cockatrice Wings Displayed, Dragon, Dragon Passant, Dragon’s Leg Couped (7, new), Dragon’s Tail Couped (2, new), Serpent Nowed
  • Birds: Bird Rising Wings Addorsed, Bird’s Jambe Couped (4, new), Bird’s Jambe Erased (new), Falcon’s Head Erased (new), Pelican In Its Piety, Pelican Vulning Itself, Pigeon (new), Poppinjay, Raven
  • Beasts: Badger, Bear Rampant, Beaver’s Tail – (new), Boar Passant, Camel Passant (2, new), Domestic Cat Sejant Guardant (new), Elk Rampant, Demi-Fox (new), Fox’s Tail (2), Goat Statant, Goat’s Body (new), Goat’s Leg (5, new), Hedgehog Passant (new), Horse’s Body (2, new), Horse’s Leg (8, new), Horse’s Tail Couped (2, new), Lion, Lion Statant, Lion’s Queue (10, new), Ounce, Panther Rampant, Continental Panther Passant (new), Continental Panther Rampant, Porcupine, Rat’s Tail (2, new), Sheep Statant, Squirrel, Stag’s Massacre, Tyger Passant, Tyger Rampant, Wildcat’s Tail (new), Wolf’s Tail (new)
  • People: Angel, Child (new), Knight Armed Cap-à-Pie (new), Man (2), Moor’s Head, Woman
  • Food: Cauldron, Chalice
  • Clothes: Belt, Comb, Saxon Crown, Stick Shuttle (2)
  • Tools: One-horned Anvil
  • Buildings: Door
  • Arts and Sciences: Bell
  • Farming: Carriage Frame (2), Circular Wicker Fence (new), Mill Wheel (new)
  • Ships & Fishing: Lymphad (2), Rowboat
  • Military: Arrow, Dagger (2), Fasces, Close Helm Affronty (2), Turkish Helm (new), Scourge, Spear (3), Spearhead, Sword
  • Assorted Objects: Banner, Orb, Pavon (new)
  • Mantling, Helms & Crests: Helm and Mantling
  • Display Worksheets: Shield with Strap, 16th C. Spaniard

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