Traceable Art Quarantine Update

Over the last forty days or so, I’ve added another two hundred and thirty illustrations to the Traceable Heraldic Art web site.

Thanks to Iago ab Adam and Vémundr Syvursson, both of An Tir, who contributed a number of items to the collection in recent weeks. Master Iago’s adaptations from the Wappenbuch Conrads von Grünenberg are particularly striking, capturing the idiosyncratic character of the original roll while adhering to the clean line-art requirements of our submissions format.

(If you have line-art images you’re willing to share with the community in this way, get in touch! I’d love to have both brand-new charges and new versions of existing charges in different artistic styles.)

Thanks also to Bruce Draconarius of Caid, whose #NotYetRegistered posts provided leads to a number of new charges found in period armory which hadn’t yet been used within the Society.

I’ve continued to work on importing the remaining beasts from Gunnvôr silfrahárr’s collection of SVG Images For Heralds, and from period documents like the Wappenbuch der Arlberg-Bruderschaft and the Bellenville Armorial.

The unwieldy catch-all “Assorted Objects” volume has been cut down to size by separating some subsets of related charges into distinct volumes for Tools, Buildings, Arts, and Ships/Fishing. These make it much easier to discover new charges within a particular theme without having to page through six hundred miscellaneous entries.

As with previous updates, each item listed below includes a single design unless a number is provided in parentheses, and represents a new heading unless marked as an addition.

  • Fields: Goutty, Mullety
  • Divisions: Lozengy Barry (1 additional), Per Chevron Indented, Per Fess With Two Embattlements
  • Ordinaries: Bend Fimbriated and Engouled by Wolves, Bend Fusilly (1 additional), Bordure Semy (2 additional), Chevron Fracted and Inverted, Cross Potent Voided, Cross Quarter-Pierced (1 additional), Fess Conjoined In Chief With a Demi-Pale, Fess Embattled (1 additional)
  • Shapes & Symbols: Demi-Roundel, Doubled Cross, Hexagon Voided, Mullet Voided and Interlaced (2 additional), Pentagon Voided, Rogacina Double-Pointed, Solomon’s Knot, Lozenges Conjoined In Pall, Mascles Braced In Pale (2 images), Triangles Conjoined (2 images)
  • The World & Heavens: Demi-Sun, Four Crescents Conjoined In Cross At The Points, Goutte (1 additional), Rainbow (1 additional), Stone (1 additional), Three Crescents Conjoined In Pall At The Points, Trimount Couped (1 additional)
  • Plants: Almond, Cabbage (1 additional), Cherry Blossom, Lemon Slipped and Leaved, Lily (2 additional), Linden Tree Eradicated (1 additional), Marigold, Oak Leaf (1 additional), Oak Sprig, Per Bend Three Flowers Issuant From The Line, Ragged Staff (1 additional), Rose (1 additional), Seeblatt (1 additional), Tree Stump Eradicated (1 additional)
  • Insect: Grasshopper
  • Fish: Chabot (1 additional), Demi-Sea-Dog, Lobster’s Claw, Lucy (2 additional), Sea-Bear Naiant, Sea-Otter, Sea-Wolf (1 additional), Stockfish, Whelk (1 additional)
  • Reptiles: Cockatrice Rising Wings Displayed, Frog (1 additional), Rod of Asclepius (2 additional), Tortise Rampant
  • Birds: Bat (1 additional), Bird Volant (1 additional), Eagle Rising (1 additional), Goose Regardant, Owl (4 additional), Phoenix (1 additional), Raven’s Head, Stork, Swan Close (1 additional)
  • Beasts: Antelope Rampant (1 additional), Bear Passant (2 additional), Bear Rampant (3 additional), Bear Statant (1 additional), Bear Statant Erect (1 additional), Bear’s Head (2 additional), Beaver Passant, Buffalo’s Massacre, Bull’s Head Couped, Camel Couchant (1 additional), Camel Statant (1 additional), Chimera, Demi-Unicorn, Dog Passant (1 additional), Dog Statant (1 additional), Dog’s Head (3 additional), Domestic Cat Passant (2 additional), Domestic Cat’s Head Cabossed, Elephant (1 additional), Elephant Head Couped (1 additional), Elephant’s Tusk, Fang, Fox’s Mask (1 additional), Goat Statant, Goat’s Head Erased (1 additional), Griffin Passant (1 additional), Hedgehog Statant (1 additional), Lion (1 additional), Lion Passant (2 additional), Lion Queue Forchy (1 additional), Monkey Rampant, Otter Sejant Erect Guardant Maintaining a Fish, Ounce (1 additional), Ounce Passant, Pawprint (1 additional), Pegasus Statant, Polar Bear Statant, Rabbit (1 additional), Rabbit Couchant (1 additional), Rabbit Dormant, Rabbit Salient (1 additional), Rabbit Sejant Erect, Squirrel Maintaining A Nut (1 additional), Stag Rampant (1 additional), Stag Springing (1 additional), Stag Trippant (2 additional), Stag’s Attire (1 additional), Stag’s Head Cabossed (1 additional), Stag’s Massacre (1 additional), Tyger’s Head Couped, Unicorn (2 additional), Unicorn Courant, Unicorn Passant (1 additional), Unicorn’s Head Erased (1 additional), Winged Boar Courant (1 additional), Winged Unicorn (1 additional), Wolf’s Head Cabossed
  • People: Eye (1 additional), Gorgon’s Head Cabossed, Jawbone, Looped Tress of Hair, Man’s Head Maintaining a Hat, Moor’s Head (1 additional), Rib Bones, Viking
  • Food and Farming: Beehive Beset By Bees, Brewer’s Scoop, Bucket (1 additional), Carriage Frame (1 additional), Cup (1 additional), Double Cup (1 additional), Dovecote, Gate (1 additional), Ham, Hay House, Mash Rake, Pitchfork, Rake (1 additional), Scoop, Shovel, Spouted Pot (1 additional), Trivet (1 additional), Tub
  • Clothes and Fabric: Bone Lucet, Buckle (1 additional), Crown of Three Points, Embattled Crown (1 additional), Gemmed Ring (1 additional), Maunch (1 additional), Mitten (2 additional), Niddy-Noddy (1 additional), Peruke, Wool Card
  • Tools: Balance Weight, Grozing Iron (1 additional), Jacob’s Staff, Pickaxe, Water Level
  • Buildings: City (2 images), Column (1 additional), Covered Well, Door Bolt, Keystone (3 images), Lock Plate, Pair of Arches, Portcullis Throughout, Quoin, Tower (1 additional), Tower Triple-Towered
  • Arts: Artist’s Palette Marked With Paint, Backgammon Board, Chess Board, Chess Rook (1 additional), Closed Scroll, Escroll Fesswise Transfixed by a Feather, Open Scroll (2 additional)
  • Military: Crescent-Shaped Arrowhead, Cronel (2 images), Cutlass, Elbow Guard, Gauntlet, Scimitar (1 additional), Sword (1 additional)
  • Ships & Fishing: Mariner’s Whistle, Oar (1 additional), Trident (1 additional), Trireme
  • Assorted Objects: Banner (1 additional), Candlestick (1 additional), Gonfalon (1 additional), Issuant From A Vase Two Flowers Slipped and Leaved, Lawn Bowling Pin, Pennon (1 additional), Spring Hook, Strongbox, Tent Hook, Torch (1 additional), Wheel (1 additional)

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