Court Report, Picnic in the Ruins

On the 29th of April, their excellencies Østgarðr held court at the Crown Province’s Picnic in the Ruins, under the colonnaded peristyle in the parklands of the Canton of Brokenbridge.

Suder Il Khan and Lada Il Khatun called for those who were attending their first, second, or third event to come forward, and presented them each with a gift of candles in the province’s livery colors, reminding those assembled that these gentles represent the future of our society, and the newcomers were heartily cheered by the populace.

A foreign visitor was welcomed into court, Lady Heloise from the Barony of Southron Gaard in the far-off Kingdom of Lochac. She presented a letter from her Baron and Baroness sending greetings to their excellencies, and requesting safe passage and hospitality for Lady Heloise as she traveled through our lands, promising to do likewise for any of Østgarðr that might journey unto their region. Il Khan bade her welcome and offered the assistance of the province in ensuring her stay here would be pleasant.

Their excellencies expressed their satisfaction with the day’s gathering and thanked those who had made it possible.

There being no other business before their excellencies, court was adjourned.

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