Traceable Art Visitor Analytics

Given the years of effort that have gone into building the Traceable Heraldic Art collection, it’s very gratifying to know that it’s actually being used by other people, and aside from anecdotal reports, the clearest feedback I get on this front is Google Analytics, which I enabled shortly after creating the site in December 2016.

Traffic has grown slowly over the last five and a half years, but over time persistence has paid off in increasing visibility. On a typical day in the last year the site was visited by between one hundred and two hundred people. Many of these folks are coming from search engine results, and about half of them take one look around and immediately leave after deciding that this site isn’t going to answer their questions about how to use a crancelin or give them the style of dolphin art they searched for. But others stay and browse through dozens of pages, so the number of  page views is usually between one and two thousand per day.

Presumably that growth won’t continue forever, and it will be interesting to see where things level off.

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