The same collection at the National Library of Ireland that holds “Irish Nobility E1” also includes a related volume indexed as “Scottish Nobility E2.”
This text was also in the collection of the Ulster King of Arms, despite the fact that Scotland was the domain of the Lord Lyon King of Arms — perhaps this was a local reference work for Ulster’s office containing the arms of their neighbors, whom might visit Ireland or be met while traveling elsewhere in the British Isles?
This book includes references to the coronation of James the 6th in 1603, but no later kings, and thus must date from somewhere in the period of 1603-1625.
It can be downloaded using my Perl script, via these commands:
perl 000531063 1-126 4 11x14,10x14
You can find a compressed-quality PDF here (27.7 MB), or contact me if you need a copy of either the full-quality PDF (101 MB) or a zip file of separate JPEG images (both 167 MB).