Recent Art Additions

Over the winter holidays I took some time to add another 156 illustrations to the Book of Traceable Heraldic Art.

Many of these are drawn from the Viking Answer Lady’s SVG Images For Heralds, while others come from historical documents including Insignia Florentinorum (Italy, 16th C) and Opus Insignium Armorumque (Slovenia, 17th C), and some have been newly illustrated for this collection.

Below is a summary of the new entries; each includes a single illustration unless a number is provided in parentheses, and represents a new heading unless marked as an addition.

  • Fields: Semy of Crosses Cletchy
  • Divisions: Per Fess With A Single Embattlement; Per Pale Urdy (2)
  • Ordinaries: Bordure Counter-compony
  • Shapes & Symbols: Annulets, Five, Interlaced In Cross; Compass Rose (2 additional); Cross Moline Disjointed; Cross Of Calatrava; Hexagon; Knot, Cavendish, or Savoy Knot; Mullet of 8 Points (1 additional); Mullet of 8 Mascles Interlaced; Nailpuller, Japanese; Nailpullers, Four Japanese, Two and Two; Pentagon; Triquetra (1 additional); Triquetras, Cross of; Umebachi
  • World & Heavens: Crescent (1 additional); Goutte (1 additional); Gurges (1 additional); Moon, Increscent (1 additional); Rainbow (1 additional); Ray of the Sun Issuant From Dexter Chief
  • Plants: Banana; Créquier; Garlic Bulb; Garlic Plant (1 additional); Geranium Flower; Jasmine Flower; Laurel Wreath (1 additional); Linden Branch; Linden Leaves Issuant From The Line, Per Bend; Magnolia Flower; Orange Flower; Poppy Flower (1 additional); Tree Issuant From A Mount
  • Fishes: Dolphin (2 additional); Dolphin Embowed; Fish Haurient; Fish Embowed; Fish, Flying; Lucy (3); Lucies, Three, Fretted (1 additional); Sea-Fox Naiant; Sea-Fox Naiant Guardant; Sea-Horse (1 additional); Sea-Lion (1 additional); Sea-Lion Naiant; Sea-Monster’s Tail (3 additional); Sea-Serpent Erect; Sea-Serpent Undulant (1 additional)
  • Birds: Auk, Great; Bat (1 additional); Bird (1 additional); Cock, Double-Headed; Cock Head Erased; Crane (1 additional); Duck’s Foot; Eagle (4 additional); Eagle, Double-Headed (1 additional); Eagle’s Head Couped; Eagle’s Head Erased (1 additional); Eagle’s Leg Erased (1 additional); Egg; Goose; Heron (1 additional); Hummingbird Hovering; Hummingbird Rising; Magpie Displayed; Peacock (1 additional); Peacock In His Pride (2 additional); Pelican Vulning Itself (1 additional); Pheasant Volant; Phoenix (1 additional); Raven (1 additional); Raven Displayed (1 additional); Raven Migrant (1 additional); Raven Regardant; Raven Rising; Raven Rising Displayed; Raven Rising Displayed Regardant; Swallow Volant (1 additional); Swan Naiant (1 additional); Vol (2 additional); Wing (3 additional)
  • Objects: Aspersorium and Aspergillum; Barnacles, Pair of (1 additional); Battle-Axe, Double-Sided (2 additional); Besom; Bridge of One Arch (2); Bridge of Two Arches (1 additional); Bridge of Three Arches (1 additional); Bridge Throughout of Two Arches; Bridge Throughout of Three Arches (1 additional); Buckle, Square, Trefoiled At The Corners; Candle Enflamed On A Candlestick (2 additional); Castle of Three Towers (1 additional); Castle of FIve Towers; Cleaver; Cornetto, Tenor; Coronet, Ducal (1 additional); Crown, Eastern; Cup (1 additional); Cupping Glass; Fetterlock, Closed (1 additional); Fishhook (1 additional); Flag (1 additional); Fleshpot (1 additional); Footbridge; Footbridge Throughout; Glove; Glove Aversed; Glove Fesswise; Gonfalon (2 additional); Grappling Iron; Hammer (1 additional); Harpoon (2); Hat, Jew’s (2 additional); Key (1 additional); Knife (1 additional); Knife, Pruning; Ladder; Meat, Spit of (2); Oar; Rake; Ring, Gemmed (2); Rope, Annulet of (1 additional); Scythe (1 additional); Spade (1 additional); Streitgabelklinge; Tower (2 additional); Wall; Wall Couped; Wheel (1 additional)

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