Provincial Court Report from Lions Learn Lessons

In the first month of Anno Societatis 59, on the 18th day of May, their Excellencies Sofya Gianetta di Trieste and Angelica di Nova Lipa, Viceréinas of Østgarðr, ventured to their seaside estates in the Canton of Lions End to observe the education of their populace at the Lions Learn Lessons schola.

Upon the completion of the day’s practicum, and seeing that their subjects had dined on the bounty set forth before them, they elected to hold court and converse with those present, uttering certain words which I have endeavored to set forth below.

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Report from Provincial Court at Bear’s Tavern

On the ninth day of March, Anno Societatis 58, their Excellencies of Østgarðr, the Viceréinas Angelica di Nova Lipa and Sofya Gianetta di Trieste, did venture to the northern woods of their domain to mingle with the commonfolk at Bear’s Tavern. 

Seeing it well fit and felicitous to bring certain business before the populace, they did determine to hold court in that rustic setting, the proceedings of which I am by my avocation bound to record herein.

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Awards from Pennsic Provincial Court

At Pennsic, the Viceregents delivered an Award of the Golden Lyre to Godiva de la Mer on behalf of Ozurr and Fortune. Young Johanna Brandrsdottir was inducted into the Province’s Order of the Sea-Urchin in appreciation for her service at local events and the lovely jewelry she has created. Friderich Grimme was recognized for his skill in archery, and for his efforts training so many of the province’s archers, by making him a member of the Order of the Silver Sea-Lion. And the Viceregents rewarded Angelica di Nova Lipa for her many years of service to the Province — at events, in artistry, and behind the scenes — by inducting her into the Order of the Seahorse.

Court Report, Barleycorn

On the eighth day of September, in year fifty three of our society, their Excellencies Østgarðr, Suuder Il Kha’an and Lada Il-Khatun, returning home from their recent victories in the summer’s war, did progress to their canton of Northpass for the Feast of John Barleycorn, and therein did hold court.

Their Excellencies began by inviting all newcomers, who had attended no more than three events, to present themselves, and they expressed their pleasure to see the great number of gentles who stepped forward. Each of the newcomers was given a seahorse candle as a token of the province’s welcome and was invited to return again soon, and the populace cheered for their continuing participation. Continue reading “Court Report, Barleycorn”

Court Report, Blood and Axes

On the seventh day of July, Anno Societatis LIII, their Excellencies of Østgarðr did progress to the canton of Northpass to attend the martial exhibition called Blood and Axes, and at the conclusion of the day’s activities they held court in the the shade of the wooden pavilion to address the crowd therein assembled.

As their first order of business, their excellencies asked any newcomers, being those for whom this was their first, second, or third event, to step forward, and presented them each with a pair of seahorse candles in the colors of the province, and all assembled did cheer the newcomers and their future participation in the society. Continue reading “Court Report, Blood and Axes”

Court Report for Lions Awaken

On the twenty first day of April AS 52, Østgarđr’s provincial arts and sciences and bardic championships were contested at the Lions Awaken schola in the Canton of Lions End.

Following the completion of the day’s activities, and with suitable pageantry, therein was opened the court of Suuder Saran and Lada Monguligin, Viceroy and Vicereine of the Eastern Ulus of Østgarđr, heralded by Jenna Childslayer with assistance from Donnchadh mac Eóin. Continue reading “Court Report for Lions Awaken”

Court Report, Deck The Halls of Valhalla

On the thirteenth day of January, Anno Societatis 52, their excellencies Suuder Saran and Lada Monguligin, Il-Kha’an and Il-Khatun of the Il-Khanate of Østgarđr, did progress to Deck The Halls of Valhalla, held in the Old Stone House in their canton of Brokenbridge, and therein did they hold court.

Firstly his excellency Suuder addressed the populace and thanked them for their attendance in that hall.

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Court Report, Whyt Whey Schola In The Solar

On October 28, A.S. LII, whilst his Excellency Suuder Saran, Il-Kha’an of Østgarđr, did lie abed recovering from a contagion, his fair lady Il-Khatun Lada Monguligin did venture forth unto her canton of Whyt Whey to attend a schola of arts and sciences, and there did share some of her talent in illumination with the populace, and did observe other displays of knowledge and partake in the feast that was set before her.

At the conclusion of the day, her Excellency held court, opening with kind words for the event and all who had attended.

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Court Report, Picnic in the Ruins

On the 29th of April, their excellencies Østgarðr held court at the Crown Province’s Picnic in the Ruins, under the colonnaded peristyle in the parklands of the Canton of Brokenbridge.

Suder Il Khan and Lada Il Khatun called for those who were attending their first, second, or third event to come forward, and presented them each with a gift of candles in the province’s livery colors, reminding those assembled that these gentles represent the future of our society, and the newcomers were heartily cheered by the populace.

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