Two Routes to Ancient Names and Arms

When our local canton changed its name a year ago, we piloted the introduction of the “ancient branch name” provisions, as discussed in the October 2023 cover letter. A few months later, the administrative handbook was updated to reflect this change, as well as cover an alternate route to establishing ancient branch names and arms, as discussed in the March 2024 cover letter.

As a result of these changes, there are now two ways in which a local branch of the SCA can wind up with an ancient branch name or arms, both laid out in the Administrative Handbook:

1. Change your branch name or arms, and ask the College of Arms to preserve the old items as your ancient name or arms. (paragraph II.B.5. for names or II.E.2. for arms.)

2. After a branch has become defunct but before its name and arms are released by the kingdom, form a new branch in the same area and ask the kingdom to transfer the old name and/or arms to the new group as its ancient name or arms. (paragraph III.C.2.)

2 thoughts on “Two Routes to Ancient Names and Arms”

  1. What if a branch became defunct thirty years ago, and it’s tllands were given to a daughter branch. Now that daughter wants to claim the name and arms of that original group. Can they do so, and how do they do it?

    1. If the old name and arms are still held by the kingdom, I believe the new branch can ask the kingdom to transfer them to the successor as its “ancient” name and arms.

      There is no rule in AH III.C.2. that says this can only be done for groups founded after a certain date, or only within a certain number of years of their founding.

      I would start this conversation by having the branch herald reach out to the kingdom principal herald, but if it moves forward you’ll probably also need an official request from your branch seneschal to the kingdom seneschal and crown, perhaps backed by some evidence of support from your populace.

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