Like Pennsic 49, this round of updates to the Book of Traceable Art has been somewhat delayed and is a bit smaller than usual; it has been six months since the last time I posted one of these announcements, and in that time I’ve only added a bit over a hundred new images. (My father passed away earlier this year and it’s taking me a while to get back into gear.)
As always, I am excited to welcome our first-time contributors: Choi Min (nice qilins!), Aurora Faw, Fred Siler, and especially Volusia Zoe, who filled a gap in the collection by supplying a handful of pantheons in various postures, as well as a pair of fearsome rats.
And I am thankful for the continuing support of returning artists Di Amador, Sadhbh Bheag, Séamus Uí Chonchobhair, and Drystan ap Ercwlff; this project would be a lot poorer without your ongoing efforts.
I particularly want to call out three tireless illustrators — Jessimond of Emerickeskepe, Iago ab Adam, and Vémundr Syvursson — who have now each drawn a hundred or more images for this collection, a mark of true dedication; I am in their debt. Continue reading “Traceable Art for Pennsic 49”