More than a hundred new illustrations have been added to the Traceable Heraldic Art collection over the last two months.
Welcome to newcomers Elspeth Farre, who submitted more than a dozen illustrations of diverse subjects, and Maryan Hoskyns, who sent in an alternate style of chain. Thanks to Grimwulf Harland, who granted permission to share a number of charges from his Sledgehamster collection. And my continuing apprecation to returning contributors Vémundr Syvursson, Iago ab Adam, Jessimond of Emerickeskepe, and Elionora inghen Ui Cheallaigh.
On a personal note, as of some time last week, I’ve now been working on this collection for four years. I had no idea when I got started that this project would consume so many thousands of hours — and I’m really pleased that it’s proven to be useful to so many people. Now forward into year five!
New illustrations are listed below, with a label for new headings and a number for multiple illustrations.
- Fields: Plumetty (1 as neutral fur, 2 as treatment)
- Divisions: Gyronny of 3 Arrondi
- Ordinaries: Cross, Cross Raguly, Pile Indented, Saltire Raguly
- Shapes & Symbols: Cross Flory
- The World & Heavens: Flame, Gurges
- Plants: Chaplet of Roses, Cinquefoil (4), Cucumber (new), Fleur de Lys, Grape Vine, Laurel Wreath, Peony, Poppy Boll, Ragged Staff, Rose, Sexfoil (2), Tree Trunk Eradicated
- Fishes: Escallop
- Reptiles: Dragon, Dragon Sejant Affronty, Wyvern
- Birds: Double-Headed Cock, Pelican In Its Piety (2), Porphyrio (new), Raven Striking (new)
- Beasts: Bear’s Head Erased, Boar’s Head Erased, Griffin, Griffin Passant, Hedgehog Sejant Erect, Lion, Lion Queue Fourchy, Lion’s Jambe Couped, Tyger Courant, Tyger Rampant, Tyger Sejant Erect
- People: Centaur Passant Regardant, Fool’s Head (new, 2), Maiden’s Head, Man’s Head Couped
- Food: Barrel, Frying Pan (2), Salt Barrel (2)
- Clothes: Brooch, Buckle, Cap of Maintenance, Comb, Crown Flory (2), Eastern Crown (3), Garter (2), Glove Aversed, Mantle, Maunch
- Tools: Billet of Iron (new), Chipping Axe (new), Drawing Compass
- Buildings: Brazier (new), Column, Cresset, Tower Triple-Towered, Covered Well
- Arts and Sciences: Athanor With a Retort Atop, Backgammon Board, Lyre (4)
- Farming: Stirrup
- Ships & Fishing: Anchor, Caravel with Sails Set, Lymphad with Oars Shipped
- Military: Arrow, Bird-Blunt, Chamfron (new), Great Helm, Tilting Spear
- Assorted Objects: Annulet of Chain, Chain, Cushion, Lamp, Orle Of Chain (2), Wheel