I’m continuing my earlier series of posts on the orders and awards of Østgarđr with some more detailed writeups of each one. More should follow soon. — Mathghamhain
The Order Of The Silver Lantern is an Arts & Sciences award of the Crown Province of Østgarđr.
The award was created by Her Excellency Johanne i Visby (Vicereine AS XLVI–LI) to “acknowledge skill, sharing and teaching in the Arts and Sciences.”
The heraldic registration for the order’s name and its badge were submitted in 2012, but the first design of the badge (which lacked the star) was returned for conflict and needed to be resubmitted before passing in 2013. (I’ve previously posted the submitted image and other details of these registrations.)
It is the only provincial order to not have the word “Sea” in its name, and as a result it is often mistakenly called the Order of the Sea Lantern.
The list of recipients of the Silver Lantern in the East Kingdom’s Order of Precedence is sadly incomplete; a more accurate roster is set forth below.
On February 21, 2015, at Lions In Winter, it was awarded to its principals:
• Alienor Salton;
• Godiva Eclipea Blackheart D’Mer.
On September 12, 2015, at the Feast of Barleycorn, it was awarded to:
• Aquilina of the Sea Cliffs, for brewing, workshops, and running the Barleycorn brewing contest;
• Oliver de Bainbridge, for excellence in brewing and teaching, along with the title “Brewer to the Vicereine”;
• Angelica de Nova Lipa;
• Friderich Grimm, for skill at cooking.
On September 10, 2016, at the Feast of Barleycorn, it was awarded to
• Ervald la Coudre the Optimistic, for bardic performance.
(Due to a scribal error in recording the previous year’s awards, it was also presented to Angelica de Nova Lipa for a second time, but as people may only receive this honor once, this is considered to have no effect.)
[Update, Dec 1:] The online Order of Precedence has been updated with this information and I believe it now has a correct and complete list of recipients as of this date, except for mis-stating the date of Lady Angelica’s award.