Dictionary of Medieval Names
from European Sources

This is part of an external index for DMNES created by Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin. It is not an official part of the Dictionary of Medieval Names from European Sources, and it may be incomplete or out of date.

Names from Wales

Includes 294 names from 5 sources. View by century or canonical forms. Includes 67 feminine names and 222 masculine names. Includes names in Early Modern English, Latin, Middle Welsh, and Welsh.

A Adam Adda Agnes Alexander alexandri Alinor Alis Alse Alson Alsoñ Anne Anthoin Anthoni Anthonie Anthony Aron Arthyr

B Barbara Bartholomew Benet Blanch Bledyn Blethen Blethin Bumffre

C Cadelli Cadellus Cadewallaunt Caducano Cadugaun Cadwalader Cadwgan Catel Caterin Catherina Catherine Christian Christopher Cissill

D Dackin Dafydd Dauid David davidi Decus Deicus Deycus Deyo Dicus Dicws Dio Dorothea

E Edmund Edmundo Edward Edwardi Elen Elena Eline Elinor Eliza Elizabeth Elizebeth Ellen Elyn Elys Elyza Evan Evane Evani

F ffoulke ffraunces

G Gainor Gaynor Georg George Giles Grace Guidonis Guyllym Gwen Gwenhoyver Gwenllian Gwenllyen Gwenne Gwilim Gwin Gwyllym Gwyn

H Halkyn harry henrici Henrico Henricum Henry Heuel Hewel Hoel Hopkin Howel Howeli Howell Howellus Hugh Hugo Hugonis Hwlkyn

I Iaco Iacob Ieuan Ioab Iohannes Iohannis Itello Ithael Ithel Itheli Ithell Ithil

J Jacobous Jak Jaket James Jane Jankyn Janne Janyn Jenan Jenett Jenkin Jenkyn Jennett Jervisia Jeuan Jevan Jevon Jevonn Joan Joann Johan Johannem Johannes Johannis John Jonett Jonn Jonne

K Kaducani Kadugano Katerin Katerine Katherin Katherine Katwaladyr

L Laurentio Leulini Leulinum Lewelini Lewelinus lewelyno Lewis Lle'n Lleuki Llewellyn Llewelyn Llowargh Llyckie Lowelin

M Maddoc Maddoc' Madoc madoci Madoco Madocum Madocus Madog Madogyn Madyn Mailgon' Mallt Malt Maredud Maredut Mareduth Margare Margaret Margarett Margerie Margery Marget Margett Margot Margrett Marie Mary Marye Matho Maud Mereddith Meredith Mereduc Mereduc' Meredydd Meredyth Meuric Meurig Meuryg Meyrig Meyrug Miles Milo Mirick Morgan Morgane morgant Morgaunt Morgon Morice moris Moryce Myricke Myryk

N Nicholai Nicholas Nicholaws Nicklas Niclas

O Owain Owen Owens Owini Owinus Owyn

P Peeter Philippi Philippo Phylip Plethyn Pric Price Prichard

R Rees Reignald Reignalde Res Res' Resi Ricardus Rice Richar Richard Richarde Richardi Ris Rober Robert Roberti Roberto Robertum Robertus Rodri Rodulphus Roger Rogerus Rowlandi Rys

S Sara Seisil Siamkin Susanna

T Tewdor Thoma Thomas Thome Tudor Tudur Tydir

V Vivian Vivion

W Wenllian William Williemus Willimi Williumus

Y Ynyr Yvone

Z Zuzanna