Since 2017, I’ve been periodically trawling through OSCAR and the LoARs to catalog submissions using the “Individually Attested Pattern” rules, known as “IAPs,” which allow for the registration of armorial designs which don’t fall under the “core style” rules of the SCA’s College of Arms.
This catalog represents the third iteration of this project, following a 2017 blog post and a 2020 update; hopefully the structure used here will be sufficient for at least a handful of years.
My thanks to Emma de Fetherstan for sharing her own list of IAP submissions, which included more than a dozen entries I had previously omitted.
While I have attempted to be thorough, I can not guarantee that I haven’t overlooked some IAP submissions — if you find more, please let me know!
If you are constructing a new IAP submissions, you may find these other resources may be of use:
- Emma de Fetherstan’s “From Wreath: Individually Attested Patterns and You” in the Cover Letter of the April 2013 LoAR.
- Richenda du Jardin’s “Documenting an Individually Attested Pattern” in the Proceedings of the 2014 An Tir Kingdom Heraldic & Scribal Symposium.
- The “Tincture IAP Database” listing of over a hundred examples of period armory which violate the rule of tincture; you can add more examples using this form.