Additional Updates to the CoA Website

The next time you visit the College of Arms site you might notice a few changes:

  • The FAQ area has been renamed “Guides” and reorganized into three sections: forms & letters, the submissions process, and understanding SENA. All of the content here is the same, but hopefully it will be easier for folks to locate.
  • The Sign Heraldry articles page has been reorganized and reformatted to make it easier to scan.
  • The Voice Heraldry page has gotten the same reformatting, and now includes links to a few more articles and recorded class videos.
  • A new page of articles on Protocol, Precedence, and Presentation has links about things that heralds do outside of events, and the regalia appropriate to the role.
  • Elisabetta has written an introductory guide for submitters on finding and submitting names.
  • The kingdom college contacts page now includes titles and email addresses for all of the submissions heralds and links to download each kingdom’s submission forms — thanks ETC!
  • The About KWHSS page for attendees and the How to Host a KWHSS page have been updated — thanks to Wu for these rewrites!
  • The KWHSS History page has been updated with information about some additional years of symposia; thanks to Gisela for assembling the bulk of the data on this page, and we’ll continue to add more details to it in the coming days.
  • Codex has done a lot of work behind the scenes to make it easier to manage changes to the site and to allow additional developers to contribute to the process — thanks Reis!

As always, if you notice problems with any of the recently-changed pages or have ideas about further improvements we could make, please get in touch!

[Update, September 18:] Some more updates have rolled out today — with my thanks to Codex for managing the logistics:

  • The list of names articles has been given a facelift, with the links to topics and cultures moved higher on the page.
  • The list of armory articles has also been cleaned up and reorganized, and now includes links to a few additional articles and class videos.
  • The KWHSS proceedings for 2023 have been published, with ten papers covering onomastics, registration processes, and scribal topics.

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