Armorial Banners for House Runnymede

In the SCA, House Runnymede is an association of the landed baronage of the East Kingdom. Its name was inspired by the circumstances of its creation, at a time (decades ago) when some felt that a counterweight was needed to royal power; in recent years it functions more as a social and support network for the baronage.

Each year, Runnymede holds a dinner at Pennsic, and the vicereines of Østgarðr had offered to host this year’s gathering. Beyond the standard duties of organizing the venue, food, and entertainment, they wished to make the event memorable by providing their guests with personalized gifts, and I volunteered to assist with that effort.

In the months leading up to the dinner, I worked to emblazon the arms of the eighteen Eastern baronies, as well as the Crown Province, for production as fabric banners which would be presented to the guests — and now that the festivities have passed, I thought I would share those images here.

My thanks to Kunigunde Wedemann for providing customized illustrations of a couple of these beasts for which the Traceable collection did not have appropriate clip art.

Each branch’s arms were digitally printed on a 29″ x 37″ fabric banner, with the top inch turned down to form a sleeve for a dowel used to hang them; this extra allowance is reflected in the alignment of the bordures and orles shown here.

The collection is available as a 1.5 MB PDF file and I would be glad to make the individual elements available to anyone working on local heraldic displays.

Crown Province of Østgarðr

Argent, a sea-horse erect azure within a laurel wreath vert.

In the New York City metro area since AS 2; first Viceroy in AS 10.

Barony of Carolingia

Azure, a pall wavy and in chief a laurel wreath Or.

In the Boston metro area since AS 4.

Barony Beyond the Mountain

Azure, a tree eradicated argent and on a chief enarched Or a sun gules charged with a laurel wreath Or.

In north and east Connecticut since AS 4.

Barony of Bhakail

Gules, a salamander sable dancing in flames, environed of a laurel wreath proper, on a chief argent a hurst of three trees, maple, pine and oak, proper, between a quill and a quill inverted, gules.

In Philadelphia metro area since AS 8.

Barony of the Bridge

Azure, a twin-towered, three-arched bridge and on a chief Or a laurel wreath vert.

In Rhode Island since AS 9.

Barony of Dragonship Haven

Per pale azure and argent, a dragon and a yale combattant counterchanged, maintaining between them a laurel wreath proper.

In southwest Connecticut since AS 13.

Barony of Concordia of the Snows

Azure, a snowflake argent environed of a snake embowed biting its tail, all within a laurel wreath Or.

In the Albany metro area since AS 13.

Barony of Settmour Swamp

Per fess argent and vert, a tower bendwise counterchanged sable and argent, in sinister chief a laurel wreath vert.

In north-central New Jersey since AS 15.

Barony of Carillion

Or, a bell within a laurel wreath sable.

In central New Jersey since AS 18.

Barony of Stonemarche

Per chevron vert and argent, three castles within a laurel wreath, all within a bordure invected counterchanged.

In New Hampshire since AS 22.

Barony of Ruantallan

Azure, a pile argent, overall a laurel wreath counterchanged.

In Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island since AS 23.

Barony of Bergental

Sable, a mullet of six points within a laurel wreath, all within a bordure Or.

In western Massachusetts since AS 25.

Barony An Dubhaigeainn

Azure, a duck naiant to sinister argent, billed, within a laurel wreath Or.

In eastern Long Island since AS 26.

Baronnie du Havre des Glaces

Azure, a lymphad Or charged on the sail with a laurel wreath vert, in chief three fleurs-de-lys argent and in base a ford proper.

In northeast Quebec since AS 34.

Barony of Smoking Rocks

Argent, a whale haurient embowed sable within a laurel wreath vert.

In southeast Massachusetts and Cape Cod since AS 39.

Baronnie de l’Ile du Dragon Dormant

Purpure, a chevron argent between in chief a laurel wreath between two fleurs-de-lys in fess and in base a dragon dormant, wings elevated and addorsed, Or.

In the Montreal metro area since AS 39.

Barony of Iron Bog

Per chevron inverted argent and sable, a plant of three cattails slipped and leaved within a laurel wreath counterchanged.

In southern New Jersey since AS 40.

Barony of Endewearde

Gyronny of sixteen sable and Or, a tower argent charged with a laurel wreath vert, all within an orle argent.

In central and northern Maine since AS 47.

Barony of Buckland Cross

Argent, two bucks counter-salient in saltire proper within a laurel wreath vert, a bordure embattled sable.

In eastern Pennsylvania since AS 53.

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