Dictionary of Medieval Names
from European Sources

This is part of an external index for DMNES created by Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin. It is not an official part of the Dictionary of Medieval Names from European Sources, and it may be incomplete or out of date.

Names in Spanish

Includes 151 names from 6 sources. View by century or canonical forms. Includes 52 feminine names and 99 masculine names. Includes names from Spain.

A Agosto Agustina Albaro Alfonso Alonso Aluar Alvaro Ana Andrea Andres Anselmo Anthon Anthona Anton Antona Antonia Antonio Antonyo Arnaut

B Baltasar Barbola Bartolome Beatris Beatriz Berenguel Bernabe Bernardina Bernardino Bernardo Bernat Bertholomeu Blas

C Carlos Catalina Catallina Caterina Clara Constanza Cristobal

D Diago Diego Dionisio Domingo Duran

E Elena Esteban Esteuao Eugenio

F Fabiana Faustino Featris Felipa Felix Fernan Fernando Fernán Ferran Francisca Francisco

G Gabriel Garci Garcia Gaspar Gil Gonzalo Gonçalo Gostantin Gracia Gratia Gregorio Guarcy Guillemet Guillen Guiomar Gutierre

H Hernamdo Hernan Hernando

I Ines Isabel

J Jayme Jeronima Jeronimo Joan Johan Johana Jorge Josepe Joseph Juan Juana Juana Bauptista Juliana Jusepe Justa

L Leandro Leonor Lope Lorenzo Lucas Lucia Luis Luisa

M Magdalena Manuel Marcos Margarita Maria Mariana Marina Martin Martinus Martín Mateo Mateu Matias Melchor Mercurinus Miguel Mjguel

N Nicolas Nicolasa

P Pascual Pascuala Pedro Pero Petri Petronila

Q Quiteria

R Rodrigo

S Sabastian Salbador Salvador Sancha Sancho Santiago Sebastian Sebastiana Silvestre

T Tareisa Teresa Tereysa Theresa Toda Tomas Tome

U Ursula

V Vincente Viola

X Ximeno Ximon