Dictionary of Medieval Names
from European Sources

This is part of an external index for DMNES created by Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin. It is not an official part of the Dictionary of Medieval Names from European Sources, and it may be incomplete or out of date.

Names in Scots

Includes 67 names from 7 sources. View by century or canonical forms. Includes 33 feminine names and 34 masculine names. Includes names from Scotland.

A Adamis Ade Agnes Alan Alexander Alisson Andro Archebald

B Barbara Besseta Bessy

C Christian Christina Christine Cristane Cristene Cristina Cristine

D Dauid

E Elena Elezabeth Elizabeth Erthour Eufamia

G gawan Gelis Georg George Gregorio

H Helen Henrie

I Isabella Isbell Isobella Issabella

J James Jamis Janat Janet Jhon Jhone Johne Jon Jonet

K Katerine Katherine

M Margaret Mariota Marjory Matho

O Olivera

P Patrek Patrik

R Ricardo Richart Robein Robert Roberto Rogero

T Thomas

V Violet

W Walter William Wilyeam Wilyeamys Wilȝem Wyolet