This is part of an external index for DMNES created by Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin. It is not an official part of the Dictionary of Medieval Names from European Sources, and it may be incomplete or out of date.
Includes 59 names from 1 source. View by century or canonical forms. Includes 5 feminine names and 54 masculine names. Includes names in Latin, Middle Low German, and Polish.
A Adama Andream Andreielia Andrulia Andrzei Andrʒei Andrʒey Annę
J Jakub Jakuba Jan Jana Janos Janusis Jurgia Jurgysa
M Macziey Maczis Macʒieia Macʒiey Martinas Massisʒ Mikolai Mikolaia
P Pawel Pawla Peter Petros Piothr Piotr
S Schymosʒ Simon Stanislaw Stanislawa Stasia Stasis Staska Stasskowy Stasz Szymkus