Dictionary of Medieval Names
from European Sources

This is part of an external index for DMNES created by Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin. It is not an official part of the Dictionary of Medieval Names from European Sources, and it may be incomplete or out of date.

Names in Croatian

Includes 70 names from 1 source. View by century or canonical forms. Includes 70 masculine names. Includes names from Croatia.

A Ambros Ambrosius Andre Andreas Andrei Andrey Antol August Awgusth

B Barthol Bartholych Bartol Barysa Bede Bedek Bencek Benedic Benedictus Benedik Benedyk Benko Bernard Bert Berth Blas Blasek

D Dyanes

F Fabek Fabian Fabyan Ferenacz Ferenchych Ferencz Filip Franczyna Franko Fylyp

G Gaspar Gergur Gergwr Gregor Gregorius Gregur Gregwr

I Iambrek Iambrich Iambros Iambrws Iambrych Iamres Iander Iandras Iandre Iandreas Iandrei Iandrws Ianthol Iantol Iarne Iarney Iatol Iemrih Iemryh Ioan

P Philip Philyp Philyph Philypws Phylyp Phylyphus